Japan: Tighter regulations for Big Tech in the works
Japan: Tighter regulations for Big Tech in the works

According to sources, Japan’s government plans to set up a new regulator to scrutinize big tech companies like Facebook and Google amid growing concerns about monopoly practices and handling of personal data.

The new regulator will examine competitive practices, protection of personal data, and make antitrust recommendations. It will also draw up new guidelines to evaluate whether M&A will lead to a monopoly on messaging data or personal data.

The officials have also discussed the two specific cases of EU fining Facebook and Google for violation of anti-trust rules.

The Govt. is likely to finalize the plan soon.

For more: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-japan-economy-tech/japan-sets-sights-on-tighter-anti-trust-regulations-for-big-tech-idUSKCN1Q20YB