India at 77th rank, jumps by 23 positions in EODB of WB
India at 77th rank, jumps by 23 positions in EODB of WB

According to WB’s Doing Business Report (DBR), 2019, India has recorded a jump of 23 positions from 100th rank in 2017 to 77th rank in 2018 among 190 countries.

Last year, it had recorded a jump of 30 places to reach 100th place.

Also, in last two years, India has improved its rank by 53 positions and 65 positions in last four years.

DBR assessment provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 190 economies on ten parameters affecting a business through its life cycle.

The DBR ranks countries on Distance to Frontier (DTF), which shows gap of economy to global best practice. India’s score has improved to 67.23 in 2018 from 60.76 in 2017.

It has also improved its rank in 6 out of 10 indicators and has moved closer to DTF on 7 out of 10 indicators.

Massive improvements have been registered in Construction Permits and Trading across Borders.

In grant of construction permits, India's rank improved from 181 in 2017 to 52 in 2018 where as in Trading across Borders, the rank jumped by 66 positions moving from 146 in 2017 to 80 in 2018.

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