"IBC tale of delay: Speed up insolvency resolution for this reform to shine" by D. Kumar
"IBC tale of delay: Speed up insolvency resolution for this reform to shine" by D. Kumar

If one analyses recent reforms for their economic and social impact, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) of 2016 would rank among the top. According to a World Bank release (tinyurl.com/25rkm2hs), “[The] establishment of a modern insolvency regime in 2016 as part of a comprehensive strategy to reform corporate laws paved the way for [India’s jump of] 14 places to move to 63rd position from 77th, in global Ease of Doing Business rankings. As a result [of the IBC], the overall recovery rate for creditors jumped from 26.5 to 71.6 cents on the dollar”.

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