CCI conducts study on e-commerce in India
CCI conducts study on e-commerce in India

India is the fastest growing market in e-commerce, with explosive growth in smartphone penetration, access to internet and ease in choice and discounts. It is covering retail in goods and services like travel, hospitality, hotels and restaurants, pharmaceuticals etc. The revenue from e-commerce is expected to increase from USD 39 billion in 2017 to USD 120 billion in 2020, growing at an annual rate of 51 percent, the highest in the world. This unprecedented growth has also resulted in several allegations about anti-competitive conduct by several of these enterprises. CCI had initiated a market study for this sector in April 2019, and released its interim report in August 2019 for public comments. It has finally come out with its comprehensive report on 8th January 2020.

The report also throws up several issues like platform neutrality, platform-to-business contract terms, platform price parity clause, exclusive agreements and deep discounts.

CCI has also called on marketplace platforms to adopt self-regulatory measures (such as detailed in the report) to ensure that there are no market distortions.

Please see the report below.